Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26

Case Study Example As one with potential background in the human resource, I think I have to integrate the idea or the involvement of actual concepts in the HR policies and the sophisticated knowledge on how to resolve human resource-related conflicts, particularly on the ground of consideration of individual interests. One issue is the actual concern of the validity of the policies involved in the HR department, from the start until at present. There seems to be a significant change in this policy and this is a remarkable issue that needs to be closely considered, because it also concerns potential individual interests, both from the point of view of the employee and the firm. Another important issue is the legality of the prevailing action performed or initiated by the new HR management. This leads further to the actual issue of finding resolution for this issue, in order to ensure both parties are at least meeting half way. There is an actual conflict of interests as depicted in the main problem of the case. On the part of the HR department, the interest is in favor of the company, and on the side of the employee, the interest is in finding how he could substantially be compensated with his actual service and qualification. These are common interests within an organisation that employs human resource for profitable gain on the part of the company and on the part of the employee. On the part of the HR department, it seeks to implement policy that will substantially cover the need of the company to control or cut cost and even ensure profit. This is not usually the actual case among employees, as showcased in the case of John Cooley. He wants to be compensated fairly, as based on the previous policy implemented and his prevailing actual qualification in the company. There are other important things that the case showed. One of them is the issue of the actual leadership of the new HR management. This is integrated with how she substantially implements policy in a way that

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